Prioritizing Social Media Marketing in the Startup World

The to-do list at a startup might feel a million miles long, and it can be tough to decide which items to prioritize. Because startups are fundamentally in the growth stage, marketing should be a top priority. Since only 56.9% of startups have a dedicated marketing team, determining how to prioritize marketing is a common difficulty for new businesses.
When trying to operate as lean and efficiently as possible, harnessing the power of social media for marketing purposes is critical. There are nearly 4.5 billion people active on social media platforms today, making it an ideal place for marketers to spend their time. Approximately 73% of marketers feel that social media marketing has been an effective strategy for their business, and frankly, those who disagree are probably not very good at it. If used correctly, social media marketing has a lot of advantages.

Benefits of Social Media Marketing

Whether you’re the head of marketing of a startup or a CEO trying to do it all in the early stages of your business, social media marketing can provide a unique set of benefits that are difficult to find elsewhere. It not only allows for fresh and creative ideas, but it also has strong growth potential and other advantages, including:

Increased Brand Awareness

Social media allows brands to connect directly with consumers, creating high levels of brand awareness and loyalty over time. TikTok, a popular social media platform, gives brands with small follower counts the opportunity to reach large audiences and engage with people around the globe.

Organic Growth Potential

Mastering the art of social media marketing can revolutionize your business. There are anecdotal stories of small business owners creating a video, going viral, and generating enough attention and interest from new customers to grow their businesses quickly. Because the Internet is so interconnected these days, companies have more opportunities than ever before to find new customers in one place – a social media platform.

Opportunity to Share Brand Values

With so much information available to customers today, finding brands that align with their personal values is easier than ever. On the brand side, this is the perfect opportunity to showcase the company’s values and vision, giving customers even more reasons to connect with your product.

Built-In Analytics

This factor isn’t discussed enough, but most social media platforms have built-in analytics suits that provide organizations insights to use while refining marketing strategies. Since most marketing is based on data, any service that provides data with minimal effort is a win for entrepreneurs attempting to accomplish more with fewer resources.

Getting Started

Deciding to prioritize social media is only the first step; once a startup recognizes the value of this type of marketing for growth and future success, the real work begins. Choose a social media platform that caters to your target market, such as TikTok for young adults or Instagram for millennials, and go all in. Be sure to be authentic, creative, and daring. Before you know it, you’ll be reaping the many benefits that these platforms may provide for your company.

The Startup Guide to Digital Marketing Strategy

We live in a digital world today; where products can be ordered with a single click and delivered to a buyer’s door within a few hours. Any marketing approach that engages with potential clients via a digital interface online, such as email marketing, website campaigns, and social media marketing, is considered digital marketing. Not only are digital marketing tactics much more cost-efficient than print or television advertisements, but they can also reach larger audiences with greater efficiency than ever before. Startups will limit their growth potential and, as a result, their profit potential if they do not have a solid digital marketing plan.

Numbers Don’t Lie

While many leaders of startups fail to recognize the value of digital marketing today, the impact of this approach is shown in the data itself. 86% of marketers claimed that digital marketing helped them increase brand awareness, and 75% said it helped them increase brand credibility and trust with consumers. Digital marketing provides startups with a way to connect with potential customers worldwide, build brand awareness, and connect with people in uniquely creative ways.

The Basics of Digital Marketing

Consider digital marketing as one big umbrella that holds social media marketing, email campaigns, an effective website, and more services underneath it. It can be difficult to know where to begin with this marketing plan due to its many facets. Here are three crucial aspects of digital marketing for startups:

Well-Built Website

This is priority #1. If you don’t have a website where customers can learn about your offerings and purchase your products, you’re automatically behind your competitors. Websites must be professional, provide detailed information about your organization, and be simple to use. 83% of consumers expect website pages to load in less than 3 seconds, and Google prioritizes websites with fast load rates as well. If your website doesn’t offer a seamless user experience in both desktop and mobile formats, it’s time to invest in a better website.

Social Media Presence

Social media allows businesses to connect with potential customers in new and creative ways. Brands can showcase behind-the-scenes footage, display their organizational values, and build relationships with large groups of people. Not only does social media provide great organic reach and growth potential, but it offers a new way for businesses to provide exceptional customer service. Actively answering messages on social media platforms is important because 67% of consumers expect that level of service.

Customer Analytics

Marketing is all about analytics. With non-digital marketing approaches, it can be nearly impossible to determine the effectiveness of specific campaigns, but digital marketing offers visibility into how each campaign impacted sales. An effective digital marketing strategy must include well-defined KPIs for tracking customer activity via click rates and other means.

Digital Marketing in a Digital World

Today, our lives exist online, and it’s time for brands to utilize digital marketing to its full potential. With a robust strategy and bold vision, brands can revolutionize their business by
using effective digital marketing tactics. Since marketing teams that have a well-documented strategy are 313% more likely to report success than those that don’t, the time to build out a digital marketing strategy is now. Investing time and resources into your digital presence will
pay dividends; the numbers don’t lie.