It’s Not All about the Money
Per capita income in the US is substantially higher than that of most other countries. But it’s not all about money. In fact, there are many ways to make ends meet on $100 per day in America. Let’s look at how you can manage your finances and live a good life on a budget.
- Live with roommates
- Save for a down payment on an apartment or house
- Eat home-cooked meals instead of eating out all the time

Know Your Rights
You have rights as an immigrant in the United States, and you have rights as a citizen. You may be surprised to learn that being an immigrant gives you even more rights than being a citizen! For example, if you’re not sure who to call or what numbers to dial for help in your area, try calling 311. That number is for non-emergency calls and can be used by anyone who needs assistance from city services.If you feel like your safety is at risk because of your immigration status (for example, someone threatens to report your family members), call 911 immediately! If the situation doesn’t seem threatening but still makes you feel unsafe (like an employer verbally abusing his employees), try calling 919-854-4950 instead of 919-854-4800 because they are bilingual operators who can connect with Spanish speakers right away.
You also have certain freedoms just because of who God made us all too! For example:
- Everyone has freedom of speech—including immigrants! This means that we can share our opinions openly without fear of government punishments or retribution from others who disagree with what we say; it’s our right as Americans living under democratic laws which protect these rights against censorship or punishment for expressing opposing viewpoints about controversial topics such as politics or religion etcetera.,
Everyone has freedom of religion—including immigrants! This means that we have the right to practice our own beliefs without being punished by the government or other people who disagree with us. For example, Muslims are allowed to pray in public spaces such as airports or schools because this is considered part of their religious freedom; however, Christians can’t be forced to pray Islamic prayers because it would violate their freedom of religion.
Don’t Be Ashamed to Ask for Help
- It’s okay to ask for help, even if you don’t know the person who’s offering it.
- It’s okay to ask for help, even if they’re not your friend or family member.
- It’s okay to ask for help, even if they’re a different race than you are.
- If someone has helped you out before and now you need more assistance—ask again!
Think Before You Act
- Think before you act.
- Ask questions. You will be met with open arms and a willingness to help.
- Say no, if you need to. Everyone else is doing it, so should you!
- Say yes, if you want to (and this is one of my favorite things). It’s nice having the option of saying no by itself—but it’s even better having the option of saying yes!
Make Friends with Locals
- Make friends with locals. When you’re new to an area, the best way to get a feel for what life is like there is by talking to people who live there. Ask questions and listen carefully, as they may tell you things that are useful in terms of finding your own place in the community.
- Be aware of your surroundings at all times! This might seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how many immigrants fall victim to crime because they were distracted when someone snuck up behind them and took their wallet or phone right out of their hands (or worse). Try not to wear headphones while walking down city streets during dark hours; just keep your eyes peeled for troublemakers looking for an opportunity like this one!
- Know where all local police stations are located so that if something does happen—like getting mugged or robbed—you can quickly report it without wasting time trying to think about where exactly those places might be located (if there even are any).
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help from other immigrants who’ve been here longer than yourself if something goes wrong; remember: everyone was once an immigrant too!
Make Sure You’re Meeting Your Basic Needs
- Find a place to live. You can either stay with relatives or friends or look for an apartment or house in the area where you’ll be working (or both). If possible, try to find a place that’s close enough so that getting around isn’t too inconvenient and expensive.
- Find a job—and don’t just settle! After arriving in the U.S., many immigrants are tempted by employers who offer jobs at below minimum wage and ask them not to report income earned under their real names—this is illegal! Be wary of these situations and only take jobs where they will pay taxes on every dollar earned and provide proper documentation when requested by law enforcement officials (i.e., Social Security cards).
- Make friends with people who can show you around town, help translate things like signs on buses or street signs when traveling outside your neighborhood/community center/etc., etc., etc.. In other words: make sure that there are people who want to help newcomers feel welcome and comfortable so they will stick around long enough before leaving due solely because they didn’t feel like partaking in activities like usual social gatherings where everyone else knew each other well enough already without having spent any time together beforehand
Get a Grip on Your Finances
- Get a budget, understand it, and stick to it. A good budget helps you track where your money goes every month and sets specific goals for what you want from life (such as paying off debt or buying a home). It takes time to create and perfect a budget, so don’t expect immediate results! However, once created, sticking to it will give over time result in more savings and less stress about money matters.
- Know how much home ownership costs in America vs where you came from – this can vary quite significantly depending on location/state etc… so do some research into average property prices before committing yourself financially
Learn About the Employment System
- First of all, it’s important to know that not every type of work permit or visa will allow you to work in any profession that interests you; some require additional training or experience before working legally in the US. Also, if you want something other than a full-time job (or if your skills aren’t strong enough for full-time employment), there are options like internships or freelancing as well!
- Second: when looking for a job online or through an agency, always make sure they’re licensed by their state government so they’re legally allowed to help immigrants find employment opportunities—otherwise they might be scamming people out of money with false promises!
Learn the Lingo… but Don’t Let It Get to Your Head
Making yourself understood is one of the most important things to do when you’re new to a country. You’ll need to learn the language, and as you get used to communicating with people in their native tongue, it will become easier and more natural for you. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes – if your hosts don’t understand what you’ve said, they’ll let you know by repeating the question or asking a simpler version of it.
If someone offers help with directions or other assistance, don’t hesitate—take advantage! This is another way that Americans are different from people in other countries: here, we’re taught not just how but also why things work out well for everyone else but ourselves. It’s good practice for when we go overseas again (and this time we’ll pack our dictionaries).
If you are going through the immigration process, be prepared!
- Know your rights: Immigrants have the same rights as American citizens, including the right to be with their family members. If you are a victim of abuse or exploitation, contact the police.
- Don’t be ashamed to ask for help: You are not alone! There are many organizations that can assist immigrants with legal matters and provide general information about living in America. Seek out these resources if necessary.
- Think before you act: This is a big change from what you may be used to back home—be patient and respectful as you settle into your new life here in America!
- Make friends with locals: Connecting with people who share similar interests or backgrounds will help ease feelings of isolation and loneliness while making it easier to navigate this new society.
- Ensure basic needs are met: It is important to be financially stable during this transition period because there will likely be unexpected costs due here such as medical bills, school fees etc…